

2022年07月01日 17:55  点击:[]

农林经济管理(专升本)(专业代码: 120301)



Agricultural and forestry economic management



This program covers a wide range of disciplines and a broad field of knowledge. It focuses on cultivating students' economic management methods and skills and also requires students to have the ability of agricultural products sales, accounting, statistics, and logistics. After graduation, students have a wide range of employment and can adapt to the needs of many industries in society, and lay the foundation for students to start their own business. The major cultivates high-quality applied talents with comprehensive development of morality, intellect, physique and aesthetics, basic theoretical knowledge of economics, management and agricultural (forestry) science, basic theories, methods and skills of agricultural and forestry economic management, innovative and entrepreneurial ability, solid foundation and strong practical ability, who can engage in business management, marketing, finance and accounting and policy research in enterprises and institutions. The four-year degree is awarded to Bachelor of Science in Management. Main Courses: The main courses include principles of economics, agricultural economics, management, managerial economics, quantitative economic analysis, modern enterprise management, human resource management, principles of accounting, principles of statistics, organizational behavior, financial management, agricultural technology economics, and other major courses. Career Direction: Graduates can work in government departments at all levels, education and research units, various agricultural (forestry) enterprises, agricultural (forestry) enterprises and institutions, engaged in production and management, marketing, financial accounting, education, and research, as well as policy research and other aspects of work.

上一条:电子商务(专升本) 下一条:计算机网络技术(专科)


地址:云南省普洱市思茅区倚象镇帝泊洱大道中段        邮编:665099    

联系电话:0879-3055977  招生电话:0879-3055339  就业电话:0879-3028687

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