

2022年06月29日 17:26 普惠娟 点击:[]





Civil Engineering


This major cultivates highly qualified and applied talents who can adapt to the needs of socialist modernization construction, develop morally, intellectually, physically, and aesthetically, possess basic theory and knowledge of civil engineering design, construction, and management, and engage in civil engineering design, construction, management and technical consulting work in enterprises and institutions such as architectural engineering design and construction units, engineering testing and inspection, real estate companies, and government agencies. Main Courses:


Structural mechanics, soil mechanics, foundation engineering, civil engineering construction technology, concrete structure design, steel structure design principles, and other courses. Employment Direction: Graduates are mainly oriented to construction engineering design units, construction units, government agencies and enterprises, real estate development and management units, engaged in the design, construction, management, education, investment, and pre-final accounts in the fields of housing construction, geotechnical engineering, road engineering, etc.

上一条:教育部等五部门关于印发《普通高等教育学科 专业设置调整优化改革方案》的通知 下一条:工程造价(专升本)专业简介


地址:云南省普洱市思茅区倚象镇帝泊洱大道中段        邮编:665099    

联系电话:0879-3055977  招生电话:0879-3055339  就业电话:0879-3028687

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