

2019年06月12日 07:30  点击:[]

茶学(本科)Tea Science(专业代码090104)    

云南省重点(特色)专业、云南省“产教融合”示范点专业,采用基于岗位导向的产教融合人才培养模式,学生在校期间可到云南省茶叶科学研究所、天士力帝泊洱生物茶集团等科研院所及知名茶企完成毕业论文及实习。学院位于“世界茶源、中国茶城、普洱茶都”——普洱市,区位优势和民族特色凸显,就业对接云南大健康茶产业,具有广阔的发展前景。主干课程: 茶树栽培育种学、茶叶加工学、茶叶生物化学、茶叶审评与检验、茶叶深加工与综合利用、茶叶企业经营与管理、茶叶市场营销、茶与健康等课程。就业方向: 主要工作岗位:在涉茶相关政府部门、事业单位、中高等教育院校等从事教学科研及管理类工作,在涉茶企业从事现代茶叶生产、茶叶商贸、茶叶加工与审评、茶叶文化推广、茶叶检验及茶企管理等工作。次要工作岗位:从事茶艺师、评茶员、茶文化推广等服务及培训工作,为茶叶企业提供科技咨询服务,自主创业等。

It adopts the job-oriented training model of integration of industry and education, and students can complete their graduation thesis and internship in the research institutes and famous tea enterprises such as Yunnan Tea Scientific Research Institute, Tianshi Li Diepo Er Biological Tea Group. The college is located in Pu'er City, which is "the source of tea in the world, the tea city in China and the capital of Pu'er tea," with prominent location advantages and ethnic characteristics. Main courses: tea cultivation and breeding, tea processing, tea biochemistry, tea review and inspection, tea deep processing and comprehensive utilization, tea business management, tea marketing, tea and health, and other courses. Employment Direction: Major jobs: teaching, research, and management in tea-related government departments, institutions, colleges, universities, modern tea production, tea trade, tea processing and review, tea culture promotion, tea inspection, and tea enterprise management in tea-related enterprises. Secondary jobs: engaged in tea art teacher, tea assessor, tea culture promotion and other services and training work, providing scientific and technological consulting services for tea enterprises, self-employment, etc.

上一条:食品检验检测技术专业(专科) 下一条:农学(专升本)


地址:云南省普洱市思茅区倚象镇帝泊洱大道中段        邮编:665099    

联系电话:0879-3055977  招生电话:0879-3055339  就业电话:0879-3028687

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